CHOOSE, the Swiss Group for Original and Outside-the-box Software Engineering, is a special interest group of the SI (Swiss Informatics Society). CHOOSE is a non-profit organization that pushes the boundaries of software engineering at the intersection of programming languages, model-based engineering, visual analytics, NLP, AI, and other emerging technologies.

We support researchers in exploring better ways of crafting software and bridging the gap between research and industry.

We sponsor students and organize forums where researchers and industry professionals can exchange ideas.

Further details on the membership fees (discounts, collective membership, etc.) can be found in the SI overview. Registration is made via the SI entry form.

Board Members

President: Timo Kehrer –  University of Bern
Vice-President: Jiri Lundak – REDpill GmbH
Treasurer: Gabriele Bavota – Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Webmaster: Andrei Chiş – feenk GmbH
Student Sponsorships: Beat Fluri – AdNovum
Alberto Bacchelli – University of Zurich
Harald Gall – University of Zurich
Michele Lanza – Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Pooja Rani  – University of Zurich
Niko Schwarz  – Google


Get Involved

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Join our low-traffic announcement mailing list
Follow @ChooseCH on Twitter

You can contact the board to propose an organization of an event, or to request a sponsorship: